Courses Ready To Play

Vimar Campus trainers propose in this section the introductory video courses of the main systems for the residential and tertiary sectors.

These courses, already registered and therefore usable at any time on your device, are ideal for those who want to review the fundamental notions underlying the design and installation of our products and systems.
All webinars are with English speech.

To watch the video courses, you must log in with your own MyVIMAR profile.

These webinars are part of the “approved” training scheme.
Visit the View approved section to find out more.

Vimar Corso Ready To Play

Choose your webinar

Vimar solutions – systems overview

The webinar presents the different solutions in our catalogues, showing the applications and benefits of each one. Traditional wiring devices, Quid, View Wireless, View, KNX and Videdoor entry offers a complete range of products and systems for all the customer needs. 
English speech Webinar.

Vimar solutions systems overview - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
146.46 M05/02/2021
Vimar Solutions Systems Overview

View Wireless - Smart Connected Home

The webinar provides an introduction on Vimar View smart home system, presents the possibilities, benefits and a general system design.
English speech Webinar.

View wireless smart connected home - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
90.68 M03/05/2021
View Wireless Smart Connected Home

By-Me Plus automation system

The webinar introduces Vimar By-me plus automation system, explains the possibilities, benefits and a general system design rules.
English speech Webinar.

By-me Plus automation system - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
113.07 M05/02/2021
By Me Plus Automation System

Video Door Systems overview

The webinar introduces Vimar Videodoor offer, presents the different solutions in our catalogues, showing the applications and benefits of each one. Traditional analogue, 2 fili, IP and SIP videodoor systems. Vimar offers a complete range of products for all the customer needs. 
English speech Webinar.

Video Door systems overview - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
84.57 M05/02/2021
Video Door Systems Overview

2Fili Video Door Entry system

The webinar introduces Vimar 2 Fili Videodoor offer, presents the possibilities, benefits and a general system design rules.
English speech Webinar.

2Fili Video Door Entry system - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
79.44 M05/02/2021
2Fili Video Door Entry System

IP Video Door Entry system

The webinar introduces Vimar IP Videodoor offer, presents the possibilities, benefits and a general system design rules.
English speech Webinar.

IP Video Door Entry system - Ready to play EN company, user
This file is available only after accessing MyVIMAR to profiles of type: company, user Click on the file name to access the logon screen.
81.88 M05/02/2021
Ip Video Door Entry System