Loads control module 3IN current sensor - 01455


Smart systems&products / By-me Plus / Shared components / DIN devices

Loads control module 3IN current sensor
Load control module, 3 inputs for toroidal current sensor, measurable powers 25 W-100 kW, single phase power supply 120-230 V 50/60 Hz three phase 230/400 V 50/60 Hz, installation on DIN rail (60715 TH35), occupies 1 x 17.5 mm module. Supplied with toroidal current sensor 01457

Product Status
3 - Active

Class group
Installation bus systems
Energy management for bus system
Bus system KNX
Bus system KNX-RF (Radio Frequent)
Bus system radio frequent
Bus system LON
Bus system Powernet
Other bus systems
Radio frequent bidirectional
Connection type
Reactive power
Approved according to PTB
S0 impulse interface
Tariff switch
Minimum order quantity: 1 NR


Barcode Qty 1 NR
1 NR
14.2x6.7x5.9 [cm]
122.2 [g]
Question: If I wish to monitor the consumption values of some household appliances do I always need the load control module 01455?
Answer: No. If you only need to measure the consumption of one or more loads, all that is required are articles which support the ˝current sensor˝ function, such as 01450, 01456, 01451 and flush mounting actuators 14537. To view and save the data, you will need a touchscreen and/or webserver type supervision device
Question: Article 01455 is used to manage both the consumption and production of the energy system or is it also necessary to install article 01450?
Answer: Article 01455 is designed for the inlet of three current sensors. This means that in a single phase system in which the production meter is at a maximum distance of 40 cm from the consumption meter, it is possible to use only art.01455 with two current sensors. In three-phase systems or single phase systems with a production meter located in another room or at a distance of more than 40 cm, in addition to the load control module art.01455, you will also need meter art.01450.
Question: How many load lines can a 01455 control?
Answer: It can control up to 16 groups of loads (through relays configured in 16 functional groups). We recommend installing power support relays between the Vimar relay outputs and the socket where heavy loads will be connected to avoid the risk of ruining the Vimar relay in the case of power spikes or malfunction of the powered appliance.
Question: Is a BUS connection necessary to control 6 loads via articles 01455 and 01471?
Answer: The products indicated not only necessarily have to be connected to one another via BUS cable, but a system home automation system power supply unit must also be envisaged (e.g. 01400 or 01401 according to need) and they must be commissioned via the related configurator device.

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