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I cannot configure the By-Phone App to work with product 01913

Simplified guide to configuring the By-Phone app (for managing product 01913) 

Install the By-Phone app.
After starting the App, select "New Communicator" at the top right in the yellow bar. In the case of modifications to an existing project, click below in the "Settings" icon.
For the "Name" write the name of the system (eg. "Mountain Home") and then confirm with "Next" (at the bottom right of the keypad).
Under "GSM Class" click on Edit and, from the list, select article 01913.
Set the "Language".
Under "Phone number": set the mobile phone number of the SIM in the Vimar product and confirm with the "Next" button at the bottom right (Caution: If the customer is abroad and the SIM is Italian, enter the full number complete with the international prefix 0039...).
Under "User Code" enter "1234" (default lock code of the Vimar product, if changed enter the chosen code) and confirm with "Next" (bottom right).
Under "Confirm user code" perform the same operation as in the previous step and press "Save" (bottom right).
Leave the other two settings "Protected access" and "Configure remaining credit" "Off". However, if you want to activate the remaining credit you should set the telephone operator further below.
Move to the top right of the screen and select "Save", confirm when the pop-up appears.
Now it remains to define the functions managed by the GSM product:

Select the "Back" button of the SmartPhone (usually at bottom left, outside the display).
A list of the configured systems will be displayed. Select the newly created system (eg. "Mountain Home").
In the new window you will see the item "Name". Give a name to the device you want to manage (eg. "Lounge HVAC") and then click on "Next" (bottom right).
Under "Type" click on the "Edit" button and select "HVAC", the suggested icon will automatically become the symbol of a thermometer.
Under "GSM Identifier" write "C1" and confirm with SAVE (bottom right).
To conclude and save all the data you have entered, click on "Save" in the yellow bar (top right) and confirm when the pop-up appears.
Functional test: 

Launch the By-web App, the "Mountain Home” item will appear, and select the desired system.
Click on "HVAC" (bottom right)
NB: Next to the icon will appear "On/Off", it does not work for 01913 thermostats.
Choose the command to send to 01913 (status, off, automatic, etc.).
An SMS will be sent with the requested function.
Make sure the device in the field changes operating status (normally within one minute).